
gen·o·cide (ˈjenəˌsīd/noun): the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. We are here to shed light on the execution and murder of Black people in the United States and abroad.

#GenocideLooksLike is protest art outlining the tragic incidents of police and state-sanctioned violence against Black bodies. The series gives honor to Black men and boys killed at the hands of the state, but also gives voice to the lives of women, queer, and trans people whose tragedies are too often overlooked and unheard. Inspired by Chicago's "We Charge Genocide", it also decidedly pushes viewers to call our crisis by its proper name: Genocide.

The symbols placed in the photos represent the location of one of many, or the fatal wound to each individual, according to autopsy reports. If the symbol falls below the collarbone, the fatal wound was in a location of the body that cannot be seen in the image.

*This work is free for all and is meant to be re-distributed as widely and frequently as possible. Downloadable images can be found at GenocideLooksLike.tumblr.com
Note: The 28 hour status has changed since the creation of these posters. The killings are currently much more frequent.

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